Monday, February 8, 2010

True or False: ';A conservative is a liberal who was mugged and a liberal is a conservative who was arrested?';

Heard this for the first time yesterday and wondered what Yahooers would think of it.

Please explain your thinking.True or False: ';A conservative is a liberal who was mugged and a liberal is a conservative who was arrested?';

The liberal wants the freedom to go where he wants and live how he wants until he is physically violated. Then, he wants the entire justice system and the government to make sure he is protected at any cost to his freedom. He wants the guns taken away and the punishment for the crime committed against him to be greatly increased.

The conservative wants a system of regulations that make everyone live by the same rules (for everyone's protection, of course) until the point where he violates one of those rules (maybe because the rules are black and white and life is not). Then, his personal freedom has been violated and he wants the justice system and government to back off and give him the freedom he needs to live life as he wishes. It's perfectly okay to violate the freedom of others, but don't touch his personal freedom.True or False: ';A conservative is a liberal who was mugged and a liberal is a conservative who was arrested?';
I think it's more of a generalization than a fact. I've also heard it said that if you're under 30 and not a liberal, you have no heart, and if you're over 30 and not a conservative, you have no brain.
I think a liberal who was mugged would spend countless hours pondering why they were mugged, and trying to cast the blame away from the mugger and onto society in general. The event would not turn them into a conservative, but would rather be a wonderful way of reinforcing their liberalism. They could even testify on behalf of the poor soul who injured them, so that the dear person could have yet another shot at life and reform. A conservative who was arrested would make a big ethical deal of owning up to the fact that they were, in fact, responsible for whatever illegal act they committed. However, a conservative would also most likely spend much money on trying make sure that their name was cleared after the fact, so that nothing would be noted on their permanent record, since that would mean change, and change is bad. An independent party would most likely make the best of the situation either way, make the system work for them, and see that the responsible party (even their own self) was adequately reprimanded, and rehabilitated if necessary. Belief in the system with a healthy helping of questioning and reform is what makes politics and government work.
Not really. The accusation is that I can learn only through my experience, and that my politics is strictly self centered. Neither of these is very true, (or complimentary)
False. It's a pejorative characterization that's unfair to both sides.
This is an example of political profiling.
Wait... what? False. Your logic baffles me.

It's a joke and a few people take it too seriously. But like any good joke, there's at least a little truth in it. A person's outlook on most things, including politics, is based on personal experience - not objective analysis.
The first part is true, the second part is someone's fantasy. Conservatives work and take care of family, they aren't out getting arrested.
Sounds like more of the same old tired drivle to me.
My best answer is TRULSE....for a LIBERAL liberal, and a CONSERVATIVE is a conservative....

...all in between falls out of each my best advise....we should always be critical and discerning to all we heard or read around for people now a days are more trying to become inventive of words...they don't really mean nor know well but creating attentions to sense like distinct...but not so impressive... my own does not even make a cent to buy NOTHING! hehehe...bye
No a conservative is usually arested but it's not his fault. He really didn't mean to proposition that undercover policeman in the bathroom. He was jsut wiping his butt. A liberal is some one that cares about people regardless if he is in the closet or not.
You can tear that sentence apart and it actually makes sense. A free spirit has a bad/evil experience, and takes guard. The upstanding guarded man gets run in by authority, and decides to take up arms againsts the red coats and declare independence and, oh - wait, I'm sorry. Reminded me of a 200 year old story.
False. Too simple.

Besides, my father is as far to the left as one can get. He was mugged at gunpoint a few years ago. It didn't change his political views one iota.

A conservative is a liberal who did not have a secure upbringing by loving, committed parents. So basically, by the time you're three years old, your future political philosophies have already been formed. Your parents didn't love you? You're going to be a conservative, no doubt...

Want to raise conservative kids? No problem, just get divorced and have a vicious custody battle.

Conservatives are bad people, but it's not really their fault. It's their parents' fault...
haha thats pretty funny!
people like you should not be allowed to vote!
False. While the first one may be true. . . the second one is exactly the opposit. A liberal who was arrested merely becomes more of a liberal; whereas the conservative who thinks once you are arrested we should just dispense with court and shoot them on the spot - he changes his mind once he is arrested, deals with cops and prosecutors, and then starts thinking the ACLU is, in fact, an important organization.
Too big for me to wrap my brain around.

I don't even want to know what that makes me.
liberal rubbish.

what have you got that isn't jugged fish?

A conservative is a liberal that grew up, got a job, and an education.
False. My thinking is that I don't base my political ideologies on trite, pseudo-intellectual colloquialisms.
na i was pretty moderate-liberal boarderline until i got arrested now im more liberal
Sounds like B.S. to me!!!
So... subsituting terms... ';A conservative is a conservative who was arrested and then mugged, and a liberal is a liberal who was mugged and then arrested.';

That doesn't make any sense, does it?
that's true
True, politics are reactionary to personal events.
i'm a liberal and i've never been arrested...or mugged...

is this supposed to be an anology ?
lol, that's pretty funny, and aside from the basic fact that not everyone responds the same to those things, it does make a little sense. Of course it's nothing more than a joke, but it is a good joke.
Haha, that's apt in many ways:) I think there's an element of truth there, though if anyone tried to mug me I'd let daylight into 'em. As for being arrested, i think it depends on what you did to get arrested in the first place. Good question:)

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