Sunday, February 7, 2010

If someone files a false claim against someone with social services, can they be arrested?

Some people who used to be friends with us filed a claim with social services that was completely false. They've also been slandering our name and reputation. We want to take legal action against them, but are unsure what our rights are and what we can do.If someone files a false claim against someone with social services, can they be arrested?
This one drives me crazy. You CANNOT win a slander lawsuit unless you can prove that their lies caused you financial loss! Such as losing a job. Do NOT try to take this to any small claims court unless you can prove it beyond a reasonable doubt, because you will lose and waste your time, the defendant's time, and the courts time. And if the judge finds that you wasted the courts time you may be required to pay the court costs for the defendant as well.

As for the social services claim, unless you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they lied just to cause you pain and insult with having to deal with social services, there isn't anything you can do here, either.

It's hard, but the best thing you can do is to just rise above all this pettiness. Social services do what they need to, they take in every complaint and do their best to see if its true or not, because they are there to protect those who cannot protect themselves (children). You should instead see this as a good thing, because you now have first hand knowledge that the system is trying to work, and yes, it hurt that it was used against you, but really? Wouldn't you want social services to come and check things out if you called worried about a neighbor child!? Social services will also keep these past lies in consideration the next time someone tries to lie about you again, and after a certain number of times they can charge the person lieing with abuse of the system and waste of time and taxpayer money (because they could've been helping a child who really needed it, not checking on you who is a wonderful parent.) They will take care of it.

Now, brush this whole thing off, no matter how hard it is, and try to move on. People will only listen to lies for so long, and they will realize that the lies that your ex-friends are spreading are lies! And then they will have ruined themselves in the eyes of others. Now, if someone asks you if what they heard was true, just calmly tell them ';no, of course not, what happened is this...'; but DO NOT bring up your ex-friends names. The other people will put two and two together and you will come out looking strong and reliable and good people, like you are!

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